Received this watch today to replace my LG Watch Sport which has it's very expensive (with antennas built-in) band. The TicWatch's claim to fame is its two screens, where the Essential Mode one could power the watch for 30 days. It has easily swappable bands too.

58% Battery Left in Full Auto Mode with Screen On for Wrist Tilt
End of Day Two with 11% battery left in Mixed Mode
Mixed Mode with the tilt option off gets 65% battery left after a day
Video of one of the standfard analogue faces on the Ticwatch Pro
Cardiogram app showing heart rate monitored whole day and night on TicWatch Pro
TicWatch Pro battery at end of first evening in Mixed mode
TicWatch Pro battery at end of first evening in Mixed mode
TicWatch Pro able to display GPS track
TicWatch Pro in exercise mode with Smartscreen
TicWatch Pro in exercise mode with Essential LCD screen
TicWatch Pro in bright midday sun
Ticwatch Pro - thickness comparison with LG Watch Sport
Rating score 3.02
Ticwatch Pro - Smartwatch screen Mode
Ticwatch Pro - Essential Mode screen
Ticwatch Pro - watch powering up for the first time
Rating score 1.55
Ticwatch Pro - Box just opened
Rating score 3.51
Ticwatch Pro - with brown leather strap and glass protectors
Ticwatch Pro - just delievred in its Amazon box