Home / Places / Magic Forest 26

Vineyards near the start of the walk
Fallen tree in the forest
Cyclist going past
More flowers
Nasturtium in the Magic Forest
Wooden bridge with an explosion of colourful flowers surrounding it
Another shot of the Wooden bridge
Arum Lily
Left path... or right path
Chantel getting a closeup of some mushrooms on the forest floor
View of the second dam
Relaxing afternoon at the dam
People reading, fishing etc next to the dam
Kaylyn discovered this "waterfall" below the second dam
Looks like wedding confetti on the path
Dew still on the leaves
Path is moist and you can smell the forest
Imagine having this view in front of your house?
Canopy of trees in the Magic Forest
First dam on way through Magic Forest
Each tree has a sponsor in the arboretum
Colourful flowers
Plaque dedicating the arboretum to Vink van Zyl, the Tree Man
Signboard at entrance to Vinks Arboretum at Welgemoed