
Home / Bike Rides / HOG Route 62 Rally 2008 /

Big Joke on Me!!!!!!

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5 May 08 - After I returned from the HOG Route 62 Rally and washed my bike down (with a high pressure water cleaner), I noticed this hairline crack on the front fork. I felt it and could feel my nail catching in the crack. I frantically called Harley-Davidson Cape Town dealership with this amazing tale.... they said the bike was still within warranty so they would replace the the fork free of charge. They did say this is the first time anything like this had happened. This was back in February... I was getting anxious by March as the riding weather was passing and I really wanted to ride again. Seemed that the crate that was bringing my spare part into to SA had gone astray between Belgium and SA... so Harley Cape Town kindly invoked a premium courier service to get a replacement part here within a week. My bike was scheduled to go in tomorrow and Harley even arranged to give me a loan bike as I was having trouble scheduling time to leave the bike there for the four hour repair job. Something bugged me as I rolled the bike out of the garage tonight to be ready for tomorrow... crack was still there and I could feel the "ridge".... I scratched harder and lo and behold it "smeared"!!!!! Seems that it was a very fine (less an half a mm) tar or other mark that did not budge with the cleaning. So yes I spent two months off the road for nothing, and Harley also went to a lot of trouble... I'm going to have to go apologize tomorrow.... only thing that could have been worse was if I actually took the bike in and they had started work on it! Mmmmm don't think I can top this one this year!

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2008:02:17 19:30:53


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