- Lovely old stove
- Kitchen in house at The Hell
- Drinks by the fire
- 3 Course supper from the restaurant with the sparkling wine we brought with
- Road through The Hell
- Us in The Hell
- Old GPO poles made in London
- Close up view of old GPO phone pole from 1950's
- Old cast iron poles for phone lines
- Typical empty caravan stand... very neat and tidy
- Ablution block for caravan stands
- Caravan Hettie for accommodation.... aparently towed in with a 4x4
- Entrance to caravan stands
- Oupa Piet Mostert's House
- Donkey's used for the 4 day trail
- Pietjie and Hester Swanepoel's House
- Road to Hell....
- Peacock
- McCormick-Deering
- Old machinery
- More solar panels
- Old ox wagon
- Remains of an old ox wagon
- Another view of the restaurant and shop
- Old car
- Restaurant and shop in The Hell
- Entrance to the shop
- Old abandoned car
- Old abandoned car
- Sign that greets you before reaching the shop
- Going for a walk along The Hell Valley
- Stappies Cordier House History
- Solar power for the houses in the Nature Reserve
- View out of the bathroom
- Bathroom with disabled facilities
- Stappies Cordier House where we stayed in The Hell
- Entrance to Nature Reserve and Gamkaskloof Valley known as The Hell
- Narrow road for the final descent
- Final descent into Die Hel... you can see the trecherous turns and steep winding narrow road