Lovely old stove
Kitchen in house at The Hell
Drinks by the fire
3 Course supper from the restaurant with the sparkling wine we brought with
Road through The Hell
Us in The Hell
Old GPO poles made in London
Close up view of old GPO phone pole from 1950's
Old cast iron poles for phone lines
Typical empty caravan stand... very neat and tidy
Ablution block for caravan stands
Caravan Hettie for accommodation.... aparently towed in with a 4x4
Entrance to caravan stands
Oupa Piet Mostert's House
Donkey's used for the 4 day trail
Pietjie and Hester Swanepoel's House
Road to Hell....
Old machinery
More solar panels
Old ox wagon
Remains of an old ox wagon
Another view of the restaurant and shop
Old car
Restaurant and shop in The Hell
Entrance to the shop
Old abandoned car
Old abandoned car
Sign that greets you before reaching the shop
Going for a walk along The Hell Valley
Stappies Cordier House History
Solar power for the houses in the Nature Reserve
View out of the bathroom
Bathroom with disabled facilities
Stappies Cordier House where we stayed in The Hell
Entrance to Nature Reserve and Gamkaskloof Valley known as The Hell
Narrow road for the final descent
Final descent into Die Hel... you can see the trecherous turns and steep winding narrow road