Back home.... dusty and dirty but very happy!
Paying at bar in Eendekuil Hotel
Everyone relaxing at Eendekuil Hotel
Nice pool at Eendekuil Hotel
Arrival at Eendekuil Hotel for a last pit stop together
Heading up Piekenierskloof Pass... Thomas Bain's house at extreme left in valley
Puncture 08 - Inflate tyre
Puncture 07 - Plug is fitted
Puncture 06 - Shauun is inserting the plug into the hole... this takes the most concentration ;-)
Puncture 05 - Shaun is applying the bonding mixture to the plug
Puncture 04 - Shaun preparing the plug to put into the hole
Puncture 03 - Shaun using tool to clean and prepare hole
Puncture 02 - Shaun using Leatherman to try extract object
Puncture 01 - Shaun looking for repair kit for rear tyre
Wow... TopUp garage would not accept debit cards... only petrol cards which I did not have!
Approaching Citrusdal
Road quite good here.... managed to touch 110km/h
Jaco leading.... riding next to Olifants River towards Citrusdal
Site of geocache along Olifants River
Turn off to Citrusdal along the Olifants River
Nieuwoudt's Pass
Regroup at Algeria
Regroup at Algeria
Descending Uitkyk Pass... approaching U-bend
Top of Uitkyk Pass
Plenty of dust here as stuck behind a car....
Approaching Dwarsrivier
Passing Kromrivier turnoff
Riders view.... just a bit dusty...
Really sand bit of road approaching Kromrivier
Passing Stadsaal Caves on a sandy stretch of road
Steep rough bit of road here....
Passing a lonesome farm....
Gravel road winding through beautiful Cederberg mountains
Passing Matjiesrivier Nature Reserve in the Cederberg
Chantel buckling up...
Getting ready to leave Cederberg Oasis
Having lunch at Cederberg Oasis
Lunch at Cederberg Oasis
Chantel prancing around....
Cederberg Oasis
Chantel with the giant Mulberry tree
View from Cederberg Oasis.... pass which we just rode over
Chantel chatting to Piet
At Cederberg Oasis
Arriving at Cederberg Oasis
Cederberg Oasis sign
Crossing the drift bridge
Low drift bridge
Quick regroup
Descent down towards Cederberg Oasis
Road snaking up the steep pass before Cederberg Oasis
Frenchman passing through on his bike on his way to Gaansbaai
Shaun deep in discussion
Getting nice and dirty!
Low bridge
Stopping to meet with bikers going opposite direction
Gravel road twisting and turning through mountains
Gravel road snaking into the distance
Riding into the Cederberg Mountains... not ABS etc warning lights on dash
And we're off into the Cederberg
Preparing bikes for start of gravel road into Cederberg
Wimpy at Ceres for quick bite
Wimpy at Ceres for quick bite
Chantel and Arina on Bain's Kloof Pass
Near the top of Bain's Kloof Pass
Ready for departure from Durbanville
Which is faster?
Wow! We get to go on the runway at AFB Ysterplaat
On Rhodes Drive
Heading over Ou Kaapse Weg pass
Heading over Ou Kaapse Weg pass
Passsing through Noordhoek
On Chapmans Peak Drive
Passing through toll booth to Chapmans Peak Drive
Passing through Hout Bay
On our way to Hout Bay
Moving up Kloof Street
Passing CTICC
On the N1