Home / SA Holidays / Cederberg 2009 52

iPhone screen at Nieuwoudt Pass geocache
Nieuwoudt Pass geocache
Part of the old pass just before we approached Algeria
Starry sky on 12 October 2009
Video - Driving up pass just after leaving Kromrivier
Video - Passing thunderstorm
Overgrown path leading to old hanging bridge
Where the old hanging bridge used to span the river
Far side support for old hanging bridge
Date inscribed on part of old hanging bridge
Gravel road
Panarama view of Kromrivier_180
View of the large rock that we climbed
View of the farm from the large rock... Stadsaal is in the far distance on the left
View of the dam from the large rock
View towards Maltese Cross and Disa Pools where we hiked
View of the campsite from the large rock
Front view of Kromrivier farm house
View down to the campsite
Inside the "office" at Kromrivier
Real farm milk and butter for sale... no low fat here!
The Office at Kromrivier - used to be the barn
Side view of farmhouse at Kromrivier
Horse that I rode
Two horses that we rode
Off to go find a geocache
View of large rock I used to climb when I visited here in 1970s
Using planetarium software on iPhone to identify stars
Using planetarium software on iPhone to identify stars
Bright light is Jupiter according to my iPhone
More stars
Bright starry night sky
Every nights supper..... a braai
Fish in the dam at Kromrivier
View of Kromrivier river from the low bridge
Low bridge across Kromrivier river
Inside Willows cottage
Inside Willows cottage
First view of Kromrivier from the Pass
Typical Cederberg terrein
Gravel road approaching Kromrivier
Signboards at turn off to Kromrivier
Postbox at turn off to Kromrivier
Signboards at turn off to Kromrivier
Low drift where we could not pass on our previous visit due to heavy rains
Looking down Cederberg Valley
Start of ascent up Uitkyk Pass
Few kilometers of paved roads now near Algeria
Groothoek hiking trail - routes all marked near Algeria
In the Cederberg approaching Algeria
Low bridge over Olifants River
Crossing the Olifants River into the Cederberg mountains