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Post date / 2011 / March / 21

« 20 March 2011
28 March 2011 »


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    - Saturday 22 October 2022
    Can be used by people stranded on top of the mountain. Happened to us once when hiking from other side, we arrived, to find cableway closed due to high winds.

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    - Thursday 20 October 2022
    Test comment from logged out user

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    - Wednesday 19 October 2022
    Absolute sheer drops here... we jokingly said this could be called "Divorce Rock".

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    - Tuesday 5 March 2019
    Yep and they never last as long either. My HP calculator still runs from the 1980's but I'm wondering how long these modern gadgets will still run...

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    Daniel J
    - Monday 25 February 2019
    Now ol' people like myself know that smart phones, smart watches/cars/robots, etc., demand expensive upgrades to remain functional, yet souces for these gadgets are hard to attain, expensive and of questionable quality.
    Thanks, Danie