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CA527582 who hooted a pedestrian out of the way at c/o Long and Wale Streets today at pedtrian crossing

flickr-7117015981.jpg Pre-ride briefing at Hamman Motorrad TygervalleyThumbnails750km estimated range on tank

26th April 2012 @ 15:03 this van (CA527582) was turning left from Long Street into Wale Street in Cape Town. The pedestrian light was green when myself and a colleague crossed at the pedestrian crossing at the traffic light. I was passing in front of the van as the pedestrain light started flashing red... the driver just hooted and forced his way forward and my colleague was forced to stop in the middle of the road.... it was just so blatant as we were discussing how cars in Cape Town do not stop for pedestrians and my colleague absolutely does not believe in jaywalking. Well he nearly got run over whilst he was crossing with right of way. Another law says that vehicles must always yield to pedestrians... So I ran down the road to snap this photo as the driver anyway had to stop at the next light!

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