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Chantel at the Country Pumpkin in Barrydale.... very biker griendly and the owner Derek came over to chat to us... we also enjoyed a live singing performance by a passing church choir who stopped there briefly

Chantel at the Country Pumpkin in Barrydale.... very biker griendly and the owner Derek came over to chat to us... we also enjoyed a live singing performance by a passing church choir who stopped there briefly
- Copyright
- Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA)
- Created on
- Sunday 28 October 2012
- Posted on
- Saturday 3 November 2012
- Dimensions
- 1200*900
- File
- flickr-8151087351.jpg
- Filesize
- 412 KB
- Tags
- karoo
- Albums
- Visits
- 2553
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- no rate
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