
This ultra-compact 9mm short is replacing my Davis .22 Magnum derringer style pistol. The really sad story is the gun license is going to take about 8 months at least with the backlog at SA Police - that starts after my existing license is cancelled for the Davis which will take around 3 weeks. So I'm only going to take possession of this gun next year around July 2021 if all goes well.... Quite unbelievable.
- Copyright
- Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA)
- Created on
- Friday 16 October 2020
- Posted on
- Friday 16 October 2020
- Dimensions
- 1024*813
- File
- PXL_20201016_095927283_02.jpg
- Filesize
- 250 KB
- Visits
- 2835
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- no rate
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