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On our way down from the cave
Deserted Cape Nature Hut - lost over R2,000 revenue today
Steenbras River Bridge
Nearing the mouth of the Steenbras River
Path across river before second last ascent
Crystal Pools - First Pool
Waterfall at First Pool
Frog at Crystal Pools
Frog at Crystal Pools
Frog at Crystal Pools
Frog at Crystal Pools
Frog at Crystal Pools
Frog Mates!
Frog at Crystal Pools
Can I buzz your flower?
Approach down to the first pool
Who smokes in a nature reserve AND leaves the stompies here?
Steenbras River Mouth
Steenbras River Mouth at full tide
Tweede Tol Nature Reserve has full quota so no entry
Main entrance to the Ceres Nature Reserve
Vulture rock formation
Sign boards still not replaced from the last fire
Yellow flower in the rain
My mother and Jacques walking in Ceres Nature Reserve
Burnt out footbridge over the stream and paths overgrown
Sign at entrance to track leading down to the river
Found this skull of a small cat-like creature
Made our own rock cairn to mark the only dry-foot crossing here
Colourful flowers
Can see Kromrivier in the distance... as well as the rain
Me with the geocache I found at Stadsaal Caves
Found the geocache at Stadsaal Caves
View inside main cave
Graffiti in cave
Graffiti in cave
Graffiti in cave
Graffiti in cave
Caves at Stadsaal - view of main cave
Rock formations
Stadsaal Caves
Approaching Stadsaal Cave complex
Spoor on the road
Clear river water
Beautiful pool by the river.... but how do we cross the river...?
Access to track down to the river
Red flowers
View up Theewaters Nature Reserve
Danie shooting at Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Danie shooting at Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Danie shooting at Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town
Rondevlei Nature Reserve, Cape Town