- Meal at Boesmansland Plaaskombuis, Langebaan
- Boesmansland Plaaskombuis
- Boesmansland Plaaskombuis
- Boesmansland Plaaskombuis
- Boesmansland Plaaskombuis
- Boesmansland Plaaskombuis - Keep Vehicles off the Grass sign behind the bike...
- Boesmansland Plaaskombuis
- Club Mykenos
- Boesmansland Plaaskombuis
- Boesmansland Plaaskombuis
- Boesmansland Plaaskombuis
- Quick coffee stop to warm up before entering Langebaan
- Slower pack arriving at quick coffee stop
- Self Portrait in the Toilet
- Bikes filling up at coffee stop at Langebaan
- Lunch Stop at Langebaan
- Lunch Stop at Langebaan