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Closer view of the sign
Constantia Nek sign
Can just see Chantel's car in the car park at Constantia Nek
Single lone flower on the path on descent
Horse riding along the gravel road
Sign above descent to Constantia Nek
Sign above descent to Constantia Nek
Sign above descent, showing our destination below
Lilac Powderpuff
Closer view of Eagle's Nest
View towards Hout Bay and Eagle's Nest
Closer view of Constantia
View over Constantia
Abandoned machinery
Chantel taking a break up the steep path
A Protea
Rock with the plaque on.... and the path that we followed back up to the Contour Path
Dr Roelof Smit's memorial plaque in the forest
Tree felling sign
Sign by tree felling operations
Pine trees being cleared on the mountain
Pine trees being cleared on the mountain
Map of Kirstenbosch Gardens
Sign at entrance to Kirstenbosch Gardens on opposite side
Sign pointing to Nursery Ravine
Path up Nursery Ravine
View over Kirstenbosch Gardens
Scorpion on the path
Smuts Track leading up the mountain from the Contour Path
Chantel at the waterfall
Fork in the path above Kirstenbosch
Tree grown right over a rock above Kirstenbosch
Start of very steep climb of about 100m above Kirstenbosch
Abandoned hat and leash
Found the Newlands Forest geocache!
Path stretches onward
Pedestrian bridge across stream
Red flower along the path
Newlands Rugby Stadium taken with Panasonic Lumix FX-36
Newlands Rugby Stadium taken with Sony A100 DSLR
Flowers along the path
Blister Bush Flower along the path
Berry's along the path
Out on the open path
Leaf strewn path through the forest
Purple Powderpuff Flower along the path
Roof of the forest
Red flowers along the path
Lilac Powderpuff Flowers with bugs
Erica Flowers growing along the path
Red flowers along the path
Red Crassula flowers along the path
Spider in its web on Contour Path
Landscape taken with Panasonic Lumix FX-36
Landscape taken by Sony A100 DSLR - clearer than Panasonic
Macro of a silverleaf tree's leaves
On our way along the Contour Path towards Kirstenbosch and Constantia Nek
Us at the turnstile
Turnstile at start of Contour Path above Rhodes Memorial
Ever upwards to the Contour Path
Kirstenbosch Gardens from the Contour Path
On the Contour Path
On our way up to Contour Path
On our way up to Contour Path
Danie walking along Contour Path (Video)
Walking along Contour Path (Video)
Moss Waterfall on Contour Path (Video)
Last stretch of forest on Contour Path
Views along Contour Path
Boardwalk on Countour Path
View up Newlands Ravine
Twisted tree on Contour Path
Views along Contour Path
View of Pinelands from Contour Path
View of Newlands Rugby & Cricket stadium's from Contour Path
Path leading back into forest on Contour Path
Upwrd view towards mountain peak
Twisted tree along Contour Path
Massive boulder along Contour Path
Views along Contour Path