Mounted and in use!
Weather Underground Live Flash View
Busy raining outside
Weather Underground history page with summary
my Acurite smarthub mobile app for monitoring weather data remotely
Power supply for Acurite Smarthub
my Acurite's own dashboard showing live weather
My weather station on Weather Underground
Acurite Smarthub
Wind Vane Modication
My Acurite 5-in-1 Professional Weather Center all mounted and operating
Wind Vane
Acurite Monitor
Acurite 5-in-1 Professional Weather Center box
Acurite 5-in-1 Professional Weather Center box
Acurite 5-in-1 Professional Weather Center box
Acurite Weather Station data use 24 hours
News24 app showing additional options on Android phone
News24 app showing Weather screen on Android phone
News24 app on Android phone
My Current Desktop
Electric Storm in Cape Town