- Chantel at the Prime Meridian
- Danie at the Prime Meridian
- Us at Greenwich Observatory
- Check checking we are actually at the prime meridian
- Us at the Cutty Sark in Greenwich
- Driving to Port Isaac
- Us at Port Isaac
- Chantel at Port Isaac
- Chantel in front of Doc Martin's house in Port Isaac
- Us at Port Isaac
- Us in front of Doc Martin's house at Port Isaac
- Cream tea and scones in Port Isaac
- The route we drove to Port Isaac
- Us at the Roman Baths in Bath
- Sally Lunn's in Bath
- Sally Lunn's house in Bath
- Us in Bath in England
- Bath
- A meal at Sally Lunn's in Bath
- Danie learning how to fill a car himself at Bath
- Us in front of Buckingham Palace
- Queen's Guard in St James' Park
- Brid-Keepers house in St James' Park London
- Chnatel with some Bobbies in front of Buckingham Palace
- Us at the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park
- Photos next to the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park
- Us with Nic at Harrods
- Just arrived in Paris
- Sightseeing on Day one in Paris
- Chantel in front of the Loulon Rouge in Paris
- At the Moulon Rouge
- Us at the Eiffel Tower
- Chantel at the Eiffel Tower
- Our tickets for the Eiffel Tower
- Us at the Eiffel Tower
- Inside the Paris Catacombs
- Chantel at Montmarte in Paris
- Our train tickets on the Paris Metro
- Paris Mtero
- Us at the Louvre
- Mona Lisa behind us in the Louvre
- At the Louvre in Paris
- Celebratory French wine in Paris
- Having our portrait done at Montmarte
- Having our portrait done at Montmarte
- Having our portrait done at Montmarte
- About to depart back to London
- On the train from Paris to London
- On the train back to London
- Arriving back home in Cape Town after nearly 24 hours travelling from Paris