Home 8140
- Danie at Canning Town station
- Chantel in the British Museum
- Mummies at the British Museum
- Chantel in the British Museum
- Chantel at the British Museum
- British Museum
- Chnatel in the river boat
- The river boat that took us from Camden Town to the London Zoo
- A sloth at the London Zoo
- Our tickets for the boat ride and London Zoo
- Chnatel looking at rings at Camden Lock Market
- Chantel by Camden Lock
- Chantel shopping at Camden Town
- Big Ben at night
- On our boat trip on the Thames from Hampton Court back to London
- Chantel in the boat from Hampton Court
- We walked along the Thames at Hampton Court
- At the maze at Hampton Court Palace
- Chnatel at the centre of the maze at Hampton Court Palace
- Lunch at Hampton Court Palace
- Chnatel enjoying lunch at Hampton Court Palace
- Chantel at Hampton Court Palace
- Inside Hampton Court Palace
- Hampton Court Palace throne room
- Hampton Court Palace gardens
- Inside Hampton Court Palace
- Inside Hampton Court Palace
- Hampton Court Palace entrance
- Our train tickets from London to Hampton Court Palace
- James Bond Museum
- Inside the James Bond museum at Convent Garden
- Chantel at Covent Garden
- Chantel at the London Transport Museum
- London!!
- Us by Westminster
- Inside the Prospect of Whitby pub
- Danie enjoying a good pint at the Prospect of Whitby
- Chantel enjoying a drink at the Prospect of Whitby riverside pub
- The Prospect of Whitby pub
- Chantel as Westminster Abbey
- Chantel inside Westminster Abbey
- Us at Westminster Abbey
- Chantel with Amy Winehouse
- Chantel with Dame Judy Dench
- Chantel taking a selfie with Amy Winehouse
- Chantel showing Albert Einstein how a cellphone works
- Chantel meeting King Henry VIII
- Chantel with Robin Williams
- Chantel in London
- Abbey Road Studios in London
- Chantel at Abbey Road Studios in London
- Cabman's Breakfast
- Me queuing at the Cabman's shelter
- Cabman's Shelter in London
- Us at Tower Bridge
- Chantel inside London Tower
- London Tower
- Us at a Starbucks opposite London Tower
- The Starbucks opposite London Tower
- On our sightseeing tour on day one in London
- On our sightseeing tour on day one in London
- London Tube
- On the London Tube
- Place we stayed at in London
- On our way into London
- Our very first photo in London - at Heathrow airport
- On our way to London
- Our meal on British Airways
- On our way to London
- Our last meal in South Africa at the airport
- Ready to leave for the UK
- Netgear 790S Mobile LTE Hotspot
- daniephoto350
- Discovering Whiskey in 2017
- Fluffy feather on the parrot
- Flower by our fish pond
- Piwigo - Export directly from Digikam
- Piwigo - Album view from mobile web browser
- Piwigo - Mobile Home Page view in mobile browser
- Piwigo - Main Screen showing albums and descriptions Rating score 1.06