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DIY Dipole Antenna just installed but needs to be shortened slightly - Antenna Anysis Graph
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DIY Dipole Antenna just installed but needs to be shortened slightly - Antenna Anysis Graph

DIPOLE.PNG New Vertical  Antenna reaching USA and UK from South AfricaThumbnailsDIY Dipole Antenna just installed but needs to be shortened slightly

Built the dipole antenna from some plain copper wire, two insulators and an MFJ-913 4:1 balun. I mounted it on my existing pole with a short run of RG-58 coax down to the shack. Its resonance though is around 1 MHz below what it needs to be so when the weather is better I'll trim the wires a little shorter and re-measure. I'll probably have it at around 2.5:1 SWR. Looks like 40m and 15m will be its best bands but let's see after it is trimmed. I have an ATU to match the impedance.

#hamradio #amateurradio #dipole #antenna